Strategic installation of Anti-Rats glue traps: a complete guide

The presence of rats in a home or business can be a source of stress and frustration. These pests can cause property damage, spread diseases, and generate unpleasant odors. Glue traps offer an effective solution for combating rat infestations, but their use requires a strategic approach to maximize their effectiveness and minimize risks.

This comprehensive guide provides you with all the information you need for optimal installation of rat glue traps. By following the tips and tricks provided in this guide, you can implement an effective strategy to eliminate rats and restore peace to your living space.

Choosing the Right Glue Trap

The choice of glue trap depends on several factors, including the type of rat you are targeting, the area of intervention, and the risks of contact with pets or children. There are different types of glue traps available on the market, each offering specific advantages and disadvantages.

Types of Glue Traps

  • Classic Glue Traps: These are the most common and affordable models. They consist of a glue board on which the rat gets stuck. Classic glue traps are easy to use and can be placed in a variety of locations.
  • Glue Traps in Boxes: These traps offer better safety and hygiene, as the rat is captured in a box. Glue is applied to the inner walls of the box, limiting the risk of contact with the glue for pets or children. These traps are generally more expensive than classic models.
  • Glue Stickers: These small, self-adhesive glue pads can be placed on surfaces frequently used by rats, such as baseboards, walls, or corners. They are practical for small infestations but less effective for larger rats.

Size and Shape of the Trap

The size and shape of the trap must be adapted to the type of rat you are targeting. Black rats, which are larger than brown rats, require larger traps for effective capture. The shape of the trap can also play a role in its attractiveness to the rat. Some models are designed to maximize the surface area of contact with the glue, thus increasing the chances of capture.

Materials and Quality

The quality of the glue is a crucial factor for successful capture. Choose a powerful and resistant glue that is capable of holding the rat in place until its removal. A superior quality glue offers better adhesion and greater resistance to humidity, which is important for effective use in humid environments or areas exposed to water.

The solidity of the trap is also important to prevent it from breaking during capture. A robust trap is more durable and offers better safety, reducing the risk of the rat escaping or causing injury to pets or children.


Safety is a primary element when choosing and installing glue traps. Choose traps that are safe for pets and children. There are models with protective cages or locking systems to prevent accidental access to the glue. It is also important to choose high-quality glue traps that comply with current safety and hygiene standards.

Remember that glue is very sticky and can cause injury if handled carelessly. It is recommended to wear gloves when handling glue traps and to place them out of the reach of children and pets.

Locating Strategic Points

To maximize the chances of capture, it is essential to place the glue traps in strategic locations where rats are most active. By identifying the areas of rat activity, you can position your traps optimally to maximize their effectiveness.

Identifying Activity Areas

The first step is to identify the telltale signs of the presence of rats. Look for droppings, gnawing marks on objects, paw prints in the dust, holes in walls or floors, and suspicious noises. The presence of these signs indicates that rats are active in the area.

By observing the movements of the rats, you can identify the places where they circulate frequently. Observe the areas where they feed, the points of passage between rooms, the paths taken to access sources of food and water.

Choosing Optimal Locations

Once the activity areas have been identified, you can choose the optimal locations for the glue traps. Here are some tips for choosing the most effective locations:

  • Points of Passage: Place the glue traps near frequent rat crossings, such as openings in walls, narrow passages, places where rats move to access sources of food or water.
  • Food and Water Sources: Rats are attracted to sources of food and water. Place the traps near areas where they feed, such as kitchen cabinets, garbage cans, pantries, food storage areas. Similarly, glue traps should be placed near water sources, such as leaking pipes, sinks, stagnant water points.
  • Potential Nests: Rats build nests in dark, humid, and discreet places. Glue traps can be placed near places where rats might have established a nest, such as attics, cellars, spaces under floors, dark corners, and infrequently used areas.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Do not place traps randomly without first identifying the areas of rat activity. Random placement significantly reduces the chances of capture. It is important to position the traps strategically to maximize effectiveness and avoid wasting time and energy.

Avoid placing glue traps in areas where children and pets can access them. Choose secure locations to avoid any incidents. It is also important to check the traps regularly to make sure they are in place and are not damaged.

Installing the Trap Effectively

Correct installation of the glue trap is the key to success. The trap must be placed in a stable and secure manner, and the bait must be attractive to the rat.

Preparing the Trap

Choose a bait that attracts rats, depending on their eating habits. Rats are omnivores and can feed on a variety of foods. Seeds, nuts, cheese, bread, cereals, fruits, and vegetables are popular options. You can also use aromatic baits such as sesame oil, almond oil, cinnamon, chocolate, mint, or ginger to maximize the trap's attractiveness.

Place the bait in the center of the glue board or at the bottom of the glue trap. Make sure the bait is accessible to the rat but not too easy to remove. A small amount of bait is enough to attract the rat and cause it to stick to the glue.

Positioning the Trap

Place the glue trap on a stable surface and away from vibrations or sudden movements. Make sure the trap is securely attached to the floor or chosen surface to prevent it from tipping over.

Use fasteners to secure the trap in place if necessary. You can use ties, heavy-duty adhesive tapes, nails, or screws to hold the trap in place. It is important to make sure the trap is well secured to prevent it from moving or falling.

Camouflaging the Trap

Camouflage the trap to make it less visible to rats. Use objects such as cardboard boxes, fabrics, wooden pallets, or sheets of paper to conceal the trap. The goal is to create an environment conducive to capture without scaring the rat. A camouflaged trap is more likely to attract rats and encourage them to approach.

Precautions to Take

Wear gloves when handling glue traps to avoid contact with the glue. Handle traps with care and make sure children and pets do not touch them.

Store glue traps in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Poor storage can affect the quality of the glue and reduce the trap's effectiveness.

Additional Tips for Optimal Management

To improve the effectiveness of rat management, it is important to take additional measures to avoid risks, control odors, and prevent infestations.

Risk Management

Keep glue traps away from children and pets. Use safety devices such as protective cages or locking systems to prevent access to the traps.

If you have pets, such as cats or dogs, it is important to monitor them closely when using glue traps. Pets may be attracted to the bait and may stick to the glue. It is best to place glue traps in areas inaccessible to pets.

It is important to check glue traps regularly to make sure they are in place and are not damaged. If a trap is damaged or has been triggered unsuccessfully, it is important to replace it immediately to avoid any risk of incident.

Odor Management

Clean the areas where you have placed the traps regularly to eliminate unpleasant odors associated with captured rats. Use deodorizers or natural products such as white vinegar to neutralize odors.

Dispose of food waste and garbage properly to avoid attracting rats to your home or business. Clean surfaces and floors regularly to prevent rat proliferation.

Disposal of Rats

Dispose of captured rats in a hygienic and safe manner. Use garbage bags to wrap them and discard them in public trash cans.

It is important to follow local guidelines regarding the disposal of dead animals. In some cases, it may be necessary to contact a specialized service for the disposal of rat carcasses.


To prevent rats from returning, seal cracks and holes in walls and floors, regularly clean food storage areas, and eliminate water sources accessible to rats.

Here are some additional tips to prevent rat infestations:

  • Seal Cracks and Holes: Rats can enter buildings through small holes and cracks. Seal cracks and holes in walls, floors, windows, doors, and air ducts. Use caulk, mortar, or metal plates to seal openings.
  • Clean Food Storage Areas: Rats are attracted to food sources. Clean food storage areas, kitchen cabinets, pantries, garbage cans, and food preparation areas regularly. Avoid leaving food scraps in the open and store food in airtight containers.
  • Eliminate Water Sources: Rats need water to survive. Eliminate water sources accessible to rats, such as leaking pipes, sinks, stagnant water points. Repair water leaks and make sure sinks and washbasins are well drained.
  • Keep Grass Mowed: Tall grass can provide refuge for rats. Mow your lawn regularly and remove piles of leaves and branches that can serve as hiding places for rats.
  • Store Waste Properly: Garbage attracts rats. Make sure your trash cans are well closed and stored in places inaccessible to rats.

By following the tips and tricks in this guide, you can effectively install rat glue traps to combat infestations and restore peace to your living space.