Use a CO2 mosquito trap to control infestations

Mosquitoes, those small flying insects, are a common nuisance that can ruin your summer evenings and even pose a health risk. They are responsible for spreading serious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and the Zika virus. Mosquito bites can also cause intense itching and allergic reactions. Faced with these threats, many solutions exist to combat mosquitoes, but CO2 mosquito traps stand out for their increased effectiveness.

How CO2 Mosquito Traps Work

CO2 mosquito traps exploit the natural instinct of mosquitoes to head towards carbon dioxide (CO2), a gas that we all exhale. By emitting CO2, these traps mimic the presence of a human being, thus attracting mosquitoes. This method of attraction is particularly effective because it is based on a natural mosquito behavior.

Attraction Mechanisms

  • CO2 is the main attractant, but other factors come into play.
  • Body heat is also an important signal for mosquitoes.
  • Humidity plays a role, as mosquitoes are attracted to humid environments.
  • Some trap models also use light as an additional attraction, imitating the lighting of homes.

Types of CO2 Traps

There are different types of CO2 mosquito traps, each with its own characteristics and advantages. The choice of trap type will depend on your specific needs and available budget.

  • Passive Traps: These traps use a pre-filled CO2 tank. They are easy to install and use, requiring no additional power source. However, they have a limited lifespan and must be replaced once the tank is empty.
  • Active Traps: These traps produce CO2 by burning propane or another fuel source. They offer a longer duration of use and a greater emission of CO2, but require regular maintenance and increased vigilance to avoid the risk of fire or explosion.
  • Hybrid Traps: These traps combine the use of CO2 with other attractants such as light or heat to maximize their effectiveness. They are often more effective but can be more expensive.

Trap Operation

Once attracted by the CO2, the mosquitoes are trapped in a compartment of the trap. They can then be eliminated by various means: dehydration, electric shock, or by an insecticide.

Advantages and Disadvantages of CO2 Mosquito Traps

Advantages of CO2 Traps

  • CO2 mosquito traps are much more effective than light or ultrasound traps, which attract a limited number of mosquitoes. Tests have shown that CO2 traps can capture 10 times more mosquitoes than light traps.
  • They cover a larger area, allowing for effective protection of a wide area. An active CO2 trap can cover an area of 1000 square meters.
  • They attract a wide variety of mosquitoes, including the species most resistant to insecticides. They can capture female and male mosquitoes, as well as species that are not attracted to light.
  • They reduce the reliance on chemical insecticides, which can be harmful to the environment and human health. Insecticides can contaminate water and soil, harm wildlife and cause resistance in mosquitoes.
  • By reducing the mosquito population, they contribute to the prevention of the spread of diseases.

Disadvantages of CO2 Traps

  • CO2 mosquito traps are generally more expensive than other types of traps. However, their increased effectiveness and lower environmental impact may justify their cost.
  • They require regular maintenance, including replacing the CO2 source or cleaning the trap. Replacing the CO2 tank or refilling the propane can be an additional cost, but it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure the trap's proper operation.
  • Some active trap models present a risk of fire or explosion. It is important to choose a quality trap model and follow the manufacturer's safety instructions. It is also important not to place the trap near flammable materials.
  • It is important to ensure that the trap is not placed in a location where it could harm other non-harmful insects such as bees. It is advisable to place the trap away from hives or areas where bees are numerous.

Guide to Using CO2 Mosquito Traps

Choosing the Right Trap

  • Determine the size of the area you want to protect. An active CO2 trap is recommended for large areas, while a passive trap is more suitable for small areas.
  • Consider your budget and technical constraints. Active traps are generally more expensive than passive traps, but they offer a longer duration of use.
  • Choose a type of trap that suits your needs (passive, active or hybrid).

Optimal Installation

  • Place the trap in an area where mosquitoes are active, such as wetlands, near light sources or areas of stagnant water. The company Mosquito Guard recommends placing the trap about 5 meters from homes.
  • Make sure it is placed a reasonable distance from homes and traffic areas to avoid the risk of accidents or noise pollution.
  • Protect the trap from the weather and animals. Rain protection is necessary to ensure proper functioning.

Use and Maintenance

  • Replace the CO2 source or refill the CO2 tank regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions. The frequency of CO2 replacement depends on the type of trap used and the density of the mosquito population.
  • Clean the trap regularly to prevent the accumulation of debris. It is important to remove trapped mosquitoes to prevent them from decomposing and giving off unpleasant odors.
  • Store the trap in winter and protect it from frost. CO2 traps should be stored in a dry place away from extreme temperatures.

Effectiveness of CO2 Mosquito Traps

Scientific studies have shown that CO2 mosquito traps can be effective in controlling mosquito infestations. They have significantly reduced the mosquito population in some areas. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the traps may vary depending on several factors, including the density of the mosquito population, the type of trap, and environmental conditions.

A study conducted by the university of Cornell in 2018 demonstrated that CO2 mosquito traps reduced the mosquito population by 80% in an area of 5 hectares. This study also showed that CO2 traps were more effective than traditional light traps.


The use of CO2 mosquito traps is a promising solution for combating mosquito infestations. They offer a more ecological and more effective alternative to traditional insecticides. By combining a good understanding of their operation, optimal installation, and regular maintenance, CO2 mosquito traps can help improve the quality of life and safety of people, by reducing the risk of mosquito bites and diseases.